What is a Medical Alert System?
A medical alert system is operational twenty-four hours a day throughout the year. It consists of static and portable equipment that can be activated automatically or by the user to instantly send an alarm signal to a monitoring center. Experienced, highly trained staff immediately respond to the alert and establish two-way communication which is held open for the entire emergency. Once the severity of the situation has been assessed staff at the monitoring center summon appropriate help either from a medical emergency service or a designated relative or friend.
Choosing a Medical Alert System
Seniors or people with medical issues are often conscious of being the potential victims of falls or deteriorating health problems and feel particularly vulnerable if they live alone. Investing in a medical alert system is an affordable way to access professional help at all times from a dedicated monitoring center. There is a wide range of equipment available from inexpensive At Home units to sophisticated On the Go products such as smartwatches for people who still enjoy being active. A medical alert system can provide practical assistance but also reassurance and peace of mind enabling people to have the confidence to live independently.
Benefits of a Medical Alert System
A medical alert system provides reassurance that help is always at hand at any time of day or night. It enables vulnerable people of any age but especially seniors to continue maintaining an independent, high quality of life in their own homes or when they choose go out. Relatives, friends or caregivers have the peace of mind that assistance is still being provided even during the times when they cannot be there in person.
Who Needs a Medical Alert System?
It is perfect for a broad range of users of any age. Those who suffer from a debilitating, long-term health issue such as a heart complaint or multiple sclerosis can often be in desperate need of medical assistance during moments when their condition worsens or if there is a problem with their medication. People in all age groups who suffer with impaired mobility or conditions that affect the balance such as Menieres disease are often vulnerable to sudden difficulties. Seniors in particular are at risk as research shows that one in three people in their sixties or over are vulnerable to falls when taking a shower or losing their footing at the top of a staircase. They can also suffer from a range of issues such as disorientation due to Alzheimer's disease or approaching medical complaints.
Types of Devices
Medical alert systems are usually divided into two main categories. At Home devices consist of a base unit linked to the monitoring center through a telephone landline or a wireless connection. They include separate wearable bracelets or pendants which are worn at all times and have an emergency button. On the Go devices are available in a range of lightweight, portable styles including pendants, smartwatches and hand held units. They work through a variety of cellular networks, WiFi and GPS tracking systems.
Medical Alert System Features
Waterproof equipment such as pendants can be worn in the shower where many falls are known to occur. Fall detection technology can analyze a person's balance. It automatically sends an alert if the user has fallen and is unable to activate it. A sophisticated motion sensor can track a person's movements while moving from room to room. Although some users feel it's a little intrusive it can be useful if people live in particularly large homes. GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking devices are available as wristwatches, pendants or tablet style monitors. A smartwatch style frequently includes an additional mobile phone. Apps are available to provide assistance in checking on vulnerable people from afar. Check for long battery life in the equipment and if units can operate at longer distances such as 1,300 feet. Some units can be programmed to send up to three different alerts and many frequently include an alarm that can alert neighbors in the immediate area through a sixty to eighty decibel alarm. Two-way communication is an essential part of ensuring users feel reassured of help.
Choosing the Right System for you
If a person is largely housebound, a unit that is designed as an At Home medical alert system will provide 24/7 reassurance and help. Lightweight On the Go systems that include GPS technology are ideal for seniors who still want to maintain an active lifestyle but they are invaluable for Alzheimer's sufferers who might suddenly wander away from home. They can send for help if they feel confused but more importantly, their relatives or caregivers can easily locate them.